Ringing sites of Robin
(n=)Recovery sites of Robin
Birds ringedBirds ringed | | 182 |
Ringed as chicks | | 0 (0,0%) |
RecoveriesNo. of recoveries | | 3 |
No. of individuals | | 3 |
Proportion recovered | | 1,6% |
Short abstract from the book:Robin is a frequent summer and migratory visitor to the Faroes, with low numbers also occurring in winter. Since 2000, robins have bred in the Faroes every year. The first robin was ringed in 1960 in Mikladalur, Kalsoy, and a total of 182 birds have been ringed. Three Faroese ringed robins have been recovered, all on Nólsoy. A young bird ringed on 13 October 1997 at Landsort near Stockholm, Sweden, was recovered 46 days later (28 November) on Nólsoy, 1.388 km WNW of ringing site.
Read more about the species in the chapter from
The Faroese Bird Migration Atlas here