Ringing sites of Common raven
(n=)Recovery sites of Common raven
Birds ringedBirds ringed | | 17 |
Ringed as chicks | | 7 (41,2%) |
RecoveriesNo. of recoveries | | 1 |
No. of individuals | | 1 |
Proportion recovered | | 5,9% |
Short abstract from the book:Common raven is a breeding resident in the Faroes with approximately 500 pairs. 17 ravens have been ringed in the Faroes, most in Klaksvík, Borðoy (6). Seven birds have been ringed as chicks, three as first-year birds, and five as older. A female common raven ringed as a chick on 11 May 1993 on Viðoy was shot 19 May 1994 in Havnardalur, 38 km SSW of the ringing site.
Read more about the species in the chapter from
The Faroese Bird Migration Atlas here