Kasper Solberg

Black guillemot

Cepphus grylle





Ringing sites of Black guillemot


Recovery sites of Black guillemot



Birds ringed
Birds ringed 117
Ringed as chicks 79 (67,5%)
No. of recoveries 5
No. of individuals 5
Proportion recovered 4,3%
Short abstract from the book:
Black guillemot is a common breeding resident in the Faroes with approximately 3,500 pairs. It has been hunted in the past, but hunting is now banned. Black guillemots breed on most of the islands. 117 birds have been ringed in the Faroes, most on Nólsoy (52), Mykines (22), and Koltur (19). Most (98%) have been ringed during the breeding period (1 July - 24 August) and 77% have been ringed as chicks, 1% as 1st calendar year bird, and 22% as older. Six black guillemots have been recovered; five were ringed on Nólsoy and one on Skúvoy. All recoveries are from the Faroes. Three were shot, two in 1938.

Read more about the species in the chapter from The Faroese Bird Migration Atlas here